FBO Airports
Sterilis Solutions System for FBO/Airport

Safe US Customs and Border Protection Procedures
Moving regulated garbage from an FBO all the way through to the incineration facility involves a number of human touchpoints. Sterilis Solutions reduces the risk by rendering the waste harmless at the point of generation.
The regulated garbage system will significantly reduce risk, costs and stress from stiff U.S. Customs and Border Protection procedures. It simply uses steam to sterilize your regulated garbage at point of landing and allows you to throw out the harmless confetti in the standard municipal trash.
Simplified US Customs Procedures for Added Security
The system automatically captures U.S. Customs and Border Protection regulatory reporting data for every load of your international aviation waste. Data is stored and easily accessed in the cloud, eliminating manual recordkeeping. Our Service Engineers will assist you with the APHIS certification process.
Cost Effective and Simple Waste Management
It’s so easy- just log in, enter the tail number of the aircraft, select waste type, load and push ‘Start’. The icon-based user interface overcomes language barriers, too.
Now instead of paying $1,000’s every month to have your regulated garbage hauled offsite, and keeping your fingers crossed that you meet the 72-hour compliance window, treat it onsite with a point of collection international waste system.

What is the Sterilis Solutions System?
The Sterilis Solutions System is a new on-site, on-demand remediation device that turns regulated medical waste (RMW) into harmless confetti to be thrown safely in the municipal waste stream. It replaces haulers and incineration. It’s simple to use, reduces patient and employee risk, reduces regulatory liability, eliminates paper reporting, all in a cost effective way.