For more information on the
Sterilis Solutions Remediator
Download these free brochures
for more information.
Please click on the links below to access Sterilis Solutions PDF files.

Healthcare Brochure
Just because it’s out of sight doesn’t mean you’re out of danger. In this brochure, we dive into ways to keep your lab safe.

First Responder Brochure
We share your committment to “First do no harm”. Learn how we can help keep your community safe with the Sterilis Solutions Remediator.

Fact Finder
The only medical device that converts medical waste into solid, sterile trash at the point-of-care! Download this fact finder to lean more about the Sterilis System.

Aviation Brochure
Learn about the point-of-collection international regulated garbage treatment system that meets APHIS Regulations.

Cannabis Brochure
The only device that renders cannabis waste into unusable and unrecognizable trash that can be thrown into the trash after processing.

Save on Regulated Medical Waste (RMW) with a flexible pay-by-cycle program, including our top-tier equipment, service, and cloud-based reporting. Remediation-as-a-Service (RaaS) eliminates upfront capital costs and streamlines safe RMW remediation.