Sterilis Solutions System Dermatology Office

RMW Disposal Made Easy
Until now, little advancement has been made in the disposal of RMW. Paying a certified hauler to take the waste to an incineration plant is often the only option. In addition to the environmental consequences of carbon emissions from transport and incineration, trucking requires the waste to be handled multiple times prior to pick-up. And since there are few feasible alternatives, haulers are free to charge as much as they want.
The Sterilis Solutions point-of-care regulated medical waste system frees thriving dermatological practices from the risk and rising cost of traditional RMW disposal.
Safe Medical Waste Management
By combining an autoclave and a grinder, the system takes regulated medical waste from hazardous to harmless at the point of care. This lowers the risk of contamination by eliminating the need for excessive handling, labeling and storing of the waste.
As a practice grows and the amount of regulated waste it generates increases, the cost of traditional disposal methods goes up and up and up. With Sterilis Solutions, the more waste you generate, the less the price per bag for processing it. In addition to its safety, cost and environmental benefits, the system is designed to meet the needs of busy practices.
Hear from Our Customers
Dr. Amy Taub and Dr. Jeffrey Dover have done more than transform the lives of thousands of patients. Their progressive adoption of innovation has helped transform the industry by evolving the delivery of dermatological services.
“It’s much more economical. It’s better for the environment. It reduces risk by eliminating the need to store medical waste on-site. For me, Sterilis was a very easy decision.”
— Dr. Amy Forman Taub

What is the Sterilis Solutions System?
The Sterilis Solutions System is a new on-site, on-demand remediation device that turns regulated medical waste (RMW) into harmless confetti to be thrown safely in the municipal waste stream. It replaces haulers and incineration. It’s simple to use, reduces patient and employee risk, reduces regulatory liability, eliminates paper reporting, all in a cost effective way.