Cannabis/Hemp Labs
Sterilis Solutions System for Cannabis/Hemp Labs

Cannabis Industry Standards in 2020
As the cannabis industry grows, the demand for testing is increasing at record speeds. This surge in testing is leading to unprecedented amounts of cannabis waste being produced that needs to be destroyed within compliance guidelines. With the cost and burden of traditional waste destruction services rising, the testing laboratory industry needs an innovative shift.
Innovative Waste Disposal System
The Sterilis Solutions system is an innovative fully compliant turnkey solution allowing the cannabis industry professionals to take back control over the chain of custody during the waste disposal process saving time while lowering the overall cost. The Sterilis Solutions system is a medical grade destruction unit that has been a trusted solution used by industry experts.
With Sterilis Solutions, you no longer pay certified hauling/trucking companies to transport your cannabis waste to an incinerator. That means it won’t end up as toxic particles in the air. And less trucking means a smaller carbon footprint, too.

What is the Sterilis Solutions System?
The Sterilis Solutions System is a new on-site, on-demand remediation device that turns cannabis waste into harmless confetti to be thrown safely in the regular trash. It replaces haulers and incineration. It’s simple to use, reduces patient and employee risk, reduces regulatory liability, eliminates paper reporting, all in a cost effective way.